First up is a reminder to check out the latest releases from WeePOP! Records. As promised previously, WeePOP!'s bumper summer of great music continues with EPs from folk-pop exponents Stars of Aviation and wistful, indie-poppers Let's Whisper. As always, the kind people at WeePOP! have provided a free MP3 track from each of the EPs for your listening pleasure. You'll find both on the release page 'here'.
Next up is an EP from februaryrecords. The Almost Verbose EP by Brilliant at Breakfast
is a fantastic slice of breezy, twee-pop from Indonesia. The band aims to "take bedroom musicianship further with cheap instruments, cookies and coffee, and riddles with no answers", and the EP has been a particular favourite of both mine and Ray's this week. I'm not sure why there are so many great twee-pop bands from this part of the world at the moment. Perhaps the Streetlamp should do a South-East Asia twee-pop article sometime soon to get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, you can download the EP for free 'here'.

Last, but not least, is an amazingly good, unheralded, single release, which I came across on both Soundcloud and Bandcamp. The song is called 'Think Big, Henry' and there's little to no detail on either site about the musicians involved except for the song-writers' names; M Hentges and J O'Nym. I suspect that this is a late flowering of the song-writing talent of Meg Hentges - formerly of "the lesbian Beatles", Two Nice Girls - and her song-writing partner Judith. Two Nice Girls were a lesbian rock band who released a couple of albums on Rough Trade all of twenty years ago. This song, however, inspired by the Nixon/Kissinger phone tapes, is a wonderful piece of thoughtful, folky, indie-pop. Given the sheer volume of free music downloads flooding the internet, I'd hate to see this overlooked as it really is very classy indeed. Have a listen below:
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