UPDATED 1/30/11
I knew about Katakana, I just forgot. Thank you for the clarification!
You know how when the warriors of Super Sentai say their hero names in the roll-call? Well, some of the names have the colors in English and because they are Japanese, their accents make the way they say sound unique, here I highlight all the colors:
Aka Ranger
Aka means Red in Japanese, hence Aka Red (from Boukenger vs. Super Sentai) is Red Red. It sounds like Akarenja. Most Red Warriors in Super Sentai use the English word 'Red' and the Katakana for Red. アカ is the Katakana for Aka.
Gokai Red
Sounds like Gokaireddo. When most of the warriors say 'red', they say 'reddo.' レッド is the Katakana for Red.
Ao Ranger
Ao means Blue in Japanese. It sounds like Aorenja. アオ is Katakana for Ao.
Gokai Blue
Sounds like Gokaiburu. When most of the warriors say 'blue', they say 'buru.' ブルー is the Katakana for Blue.
Ki Ranger
Ki means Yellow in Japanese. It sounds like Kirenja. キレ is the Katakana for Ki.
Gokai Yellow
Sounds like Gokaiiero. When most of the warriors say 'yellow,' they say 'iero' which sounds like 'arrow.' When females say it, they shout it in their high voice. Men say it less than enthusiastic. イエロー is the Katakana for Yellow.
Momo Ranger
Momo means Pink in Japanese. It sounds like Momorenja. モモ is the Katakana for Momo.
Gokai Pink
Sounds like Gokaipinku. When most heroines say 'pink,' they say 'pinku.' Some do say Pink with a emphasis on the P. ピンク is the Katakana for Pink.
Mido Ranger
Mido means Green in Japanese. It sounds like Midorenja. ミドレ is the Katakana for Mido.
Gokai Green
Sounds like Gokaigurin. It kind of sounds like 'Guh-reen.' グリーン is the Katakana for Green.
Gosei Black
Sounds like Gosei Burakku. When most of the warriors say 'black', they say 'Burakku.' ブラック is the Katakana for Black. Ninja Black just said 'black' like most Americans did because he was Japanese-American.
シンケンゴールド Shinken Gold
Sounds like Shinken Gorudo. Sometimes warriors say 'Gorudo' or 'Gold.' ゴールド is the Katakana for Gold.
G0-On Silver
Sounds like Go-onshiruba. Most warriors say 'Shiruba' for Silver, which sounds like 'Shiba'. シルバー is the Katakana for Silver.
Geki Violet
Sounds like Geki Baioretto, he said 'Baioretto' for Violet. イオレットis the Katakana for Violet.
Gao White
Sounds like Gao Howaito, most heroines say 'Howaito' for White, which sounds like 'White-to.' ワイト is Katakana for White. Only heroines that were white, had the name 'white.' All males so far that have been white warriors didn't have the word 'white' in their names like Big One, Kibaranger, GekiChopper, AbareKiller and DekaBreak.
Transliterations of how some of the Auxiliary Rangers pronounce their names:
Dragon Ranger = Doragon Renjā
Kiba Ranger = Kiba Renjā
King Ranger = Kingu Renjā
Time Fire = Taimufaiyā
Kabuto Raiger = Kabutoraijā
Kuwagata Raiger = Kuwagaraijā
Abare Killer = Abare Kirā
Deka Break = Deka Bureiku
Deka Master = Deka Masutā
Magi Shine = Majishain
Magi Mother = Majimazā
Geki Chopper = Geki Choppa
Gosei Knight = Gosei Naito
I knew about Katakana, I just forgot. Thank you for the clarification!
You know how when the warriors of Super Sentai say their hero names in the roll-call? Well, some of the names have the colors in English and because they are Japanese, their accents make the way they say sound unique, here I highlight all the colors:

Aka Ranger
Aka means Red in Japanese, hence Aka Red (from Boukenger vs. Super Sentai) is Red Red. It sounds like Akarenja. Most Red Warriors in Super Sentai use the English word 'Red' and the Katakana for Red. アカ is the Katakana for Aka.

Gokai Red
Sounds like Gokaireddo. When most of the warriors say 'red', they say 'reddo.' レッド is the Katakana for Red.

Ao Ranger
Ao means Blue in Japanese. It sounds like Aorenja. アオ is Katakana for Ao.

Gokai Blue
Sounds like Gokaiburu. When most of the warriors say 'blue', they say 'buru.' ブルー is the Katakana for Blue.

Ki Ranger
Ki means Yellow in Japanese. It sounds like Kirenja. キレ is the Katakana for Ki.

Gokai Yellow
Sounds like Gokaiiero. When most of the warriors say 'yellow,' they say 'iero' which sounds like 'arrow.' When females say it, they shout it in their high voice. Men say it less than enthusiastic. イエロー is the Katakana for Yellow.

Momo Ranger
Momo means Pink in Japanese. It sounds like Momorenja. モモ is the Katakana for Momo.

Gokai Pink
Sounds like Gokaipinku. When most heroines say 'pink,' they say 'pinku.' Some do say Pink with a emphasis on the P. ピンク is the Katakana for Pink.

Mido Ranger
Mido means Green in Japanese. It sounds like Midorenja. ミドレ is the Katakana for Mido.

Gokai Green
Sounds like Gokaigurin. It kind of sounds like 'Guh-reen.' グリーン is the Katakana for Green.

Gosei Black
Sounds like Gosei Burakku. When most of the warriors say 'black', they say 'Burakku.' ブラック is the Katakana for Black. Ninja Black just said 'black' like most Americans did because he was Japanese-American.

Sounds like Shinken Gorudo. Sometimes warriors say 'Gorudo' or 'Gold.' ゴールド is the Katakana for Gold.

G0-On Silver
Sounds like Go-onshiruba. Most warriors say 'Shiruba' for Silver, which sounds like 'Shiba'. シルバー is the Katakana for Silver.

Geki Violet
Sounds like Geki Baioretto, he said 'Baioretto' for Violet. イオレットis the Katakana for Violet.

Gao White
Sounds like Gao Howaito, most heroines say 'Howaito' for White, which sounds like 'White-to.' ワイト is Katakana for White. Only heroines that were white, had the name 'white.' All males so far that have been white warriors didn't have the word 'white' in their names like Big One, Kibaranger, GekiChopper, AbareKiller and DekaBreak.
Transliterations of how some of the Auxiliary Rangers pronounce their names:
Dragon Ranger = Doragon Renjā
Kiba Ranger = Kiba Renjā
King Ranger = Kingu Renjā
Time Fire = Taimufaiyā
Kabuto Raiger = Kabutoraijā
Kuwagata Raiger = Kuwagaraijā
Abare Killer = Abare Kirā
Deka Break = Deka Bureiku
Deka Master = Deka Masutā
Magi Shine = Majishain
Magi Mother = Majimazā
Geki Chopper = Geki Choppa
Gosei Knight = Gosei Naito
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