"Forest for the Trees"
They now have three discs and they form a bird-type BattleWing Megazord and mentor gives the Tiger to Jayden, the swordfish to Kevin and the Beetle to Mia, which makes Mike mad and makes him train more. In battle with the monster (who makes people sad and angry with his water), Mike takes the beetle disc from Mia and uses it, risking the safety of the team, leading the Mentor to take away his Samuraizer. Mike and Jii stew, thinking they are both right. But it takes Jayden to make the mentor realize he must take the first step.

So Jii picks up Mike in his motorbike at the arcade, where Bulk and Spike are training to do teamwork on a Dance video game. Mike is trained on the forest and masters to defeat the monster. Mia gives Mike the beetle zord. They pilot the Aux. zords and form the BattleWing Megazord to defeat the flying monster. This episode did deviate just a teeny bit from the Japanese episode. In that, Mike gave Jii a plant and made a fist bump instead of what Chiaki did... draw on Jii's face!!! Also the whole thing about Mia giving a beetle disk to Mike, I was upset about it in Shinkenger, a woman giving a man her power, I had rather Mako have the disc, but Mia seemed blaze about it, she said that Jii could had picked anyone that wasn't Mike, maybe she has issues and maybe they can explore those issues later on.

Mike episodes rock! I wish all the characters were as fascinating as Mike. Rumor is now that the actors were told to act like they were talking to kids, which explains the acting, but I think the writers were more interesting to developing Mike than the others. Mike gets an awesome line: "They are as miserable as Kevin." And some other great lines that made me laugh at loud. I am glad there was some development to the mentor, but its just a little chip off the block. They did show a clip of Jayden calling forth a horse, which I assume is from the first episode we have yet to see, because Jii is wearing the same costume the Japanese Jii was in the first ep of Shinkenger.

Next week there is no new episode, not even a rerun, so see them in April!
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