Power Rangers is not the only one to switch Rangers. Because early seasons lasted more than 50 episodes, for one reason or another, some actors left.

Ooiwa was later promoted to Chief of the Kyushu EAGLE branch in Episode 55. Ooiwa soon returned to active duty again with the Goranger team in Episode 67. Actor Baku Hatakeyama (KiRanger I) temporarily left the show due to a scheduling conflict with a play he was going. Baku Hatakeyama a.k.a. Jirou Maekawa passed away in 1978. Thanks to Hallwings.

Daigorou replaced Ooiwa as the Ki Ranger after Ooiwa became the commander of the Kyushu branch for a time. In episode 67, he is stabbed in stomach by Can Opener Mask's Can Opener Cutter. He was succeeded by his predecessor Ooiwa.

He didn't use his Battle Cossack uniform and was killed by Egos with Machine Guns, attempting to save Mayumi from Egos. The actor Yukio Itou also played Mido Ranger in GoRanger. I do not know the real reason why he left, I know it's out there, just couldn't find it. Yukio Ito left Battle Fever due to him getting married and wanting to spend time with his bride, according to Hallwings.

A silent cowboy. A man of action, not words. He took over for Battle Cossack.

An FBI agent who joined the Fever team to avenge her father Bosner, who was slain by Egos. After she was wounded by the Dracula Monster, she returned to the United States. I do not know the real reason why he left, I know it's out there, just couldn't find it.

An FBI agent trained by Diane Martin's father. When Diane is WIA Maria takes her place as Miss America and then stays on permanently when Diane decides to return the United States.
An EPDS air force officer. He left to pursue space shuttle research for NASA in the United States. Ryusuke Kawasaki (VulEagle I) left because he only signed a six-month contract with Toei, so his departure was planned from the start, thanks to Hallwings for info.

A colleague of Oowashi. Master of kendo. Hiba took over for Oowashi (from episode 25) after he left for NASA shuttle research.

Initially, she is hesitant to join the Bioman team. She was killed by Biokiller Gun. Near the end of episode 10, Bio Robo's eyes glowed activating her computer system in her helmet and later activated her super electronic holography from her visor showing a footage of her (which was actually her shot at the end credits). From the start of episode 10 up to her subsequent death, wake and/or funeral, she remained in her yellow 4 suit.

After watching the Bioman in action, she tries to join them but is initially refused, even though Mika Koizumi had just died. ike her predecessor, she is the more action-oriented of the two ladies.
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