I am NOT saying I am a large expert on these things, nor I want to appear as if I am an expert.
Two Definitions:
Shipping is a term use in the fandoms taken from the word 'Relationship' and 'to ship' is to create a relationship out of two fictional characters. Shipping means to group two characters (from Television, Films, Books, etc.) into a relationship, if implied or not. Many times fans 'ship' two characters together that seem to have no romantic connections at all (you may not agree).
Androgyny is a word derived from the Greek words άνδρoς (andros, meaning man) and γυνή (gyné, meaning woman). Andros, funny, eh? Androgyny usually refers to a person that looks like a mix of both genders: feminine and masculine and aren't so easy to identify. Androgynous people are usually common in fashion. In Japanese pop culture including Tokusatsu (more specifically Super Sentai and Kamen Rider), there are many androgynous-looking characters or cast members.

And this topic has to do with those terms. This topic started in my head while reading comments American fans write on boards about certain actors. For years, many fans have called androgynous-looking men on Sentai and Kamen Rider women. It is a cultural thing. Even in Japan, androgynous is not an accepted thing. Mostly the younger generation finds it stylish. I want to make it clear that this is not about sex but it is about GENDER. There is a distinct version between sexual orientation, sex and gender, many people confuse it all together. The main problem is because majority of the world doesn't have the education about it. Many people may scoff at the notion of needing education on quote-end-quote 'gay stuff' but come on, in reality, most people just hear about it on 'the streets.'

Gender basically is split into the binary. The binary refers to two sides, there is just two categories. These two categories being masculine and feminine. They are societal norms established by a consensus in culture on what is masculine and what is feminine. For example, if a man or woman likes shopping, fashion, wearing long hair and cooking, it is usually lumped into feminine. These gender norms that were established change from time to time. Because look at England and the United States back in the 1700's, the norm for men were to dress in powdered wigs and pantaloons. Now that is considered feminine. And young men dressing as women on the stage was common, as women weren't allowed to be stage actors. There is also Rule 63, a urban meme that says for every male character, there is a female equivalent or version of him.

So if I got to say it, I'll say it. If a man dresses as a woman, it doesn't mean they are gay. Transgender people are not gay. For example, a 'transgendered' individual is like a person born as a man and feels like they were born in the wrong body and dresses in the opposite gender in order to have society see them as they feel inside. They could be attract to the opposite sex, say a man to woman transgender would be attracted to a man, or they could be bisexual. And a crossderesser is a man who likes to dress in dresses, and can be either gay or straight. And there are gay men that are Drag Queens, who dress as women from time to time for a show, but consider themselves men not women. Same thing for Drag Kings, women (either straight or lesbian) that dress as men. For me, sexuality is fluid, it is ever changing. And gender, in a way, also is. Fluidity meaning it changes all the time, it depends on a person and not everything stays the same. Okay I digress.

By the way, the poll on sexual orientation is to prove to my mother that Toku DOES NOT have gay subliminal messages, she thinks it does. She also thinks Sailor Moon has gay subliminal messages.
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