Today is our first birthday and we'd like to invite you to join us in the celebrations and also thank you for sticking with us throughout the year. It's been a wonderful year for us, we've met loads of nice people, heard a vast amount of fantastic songs and our faith in humanity has been restored. Those of you who've been with us from the beginning will remember that in
our very first post we outlined the reasons we felt the need to push one more music blog into what is a, frankly, already saturated

market. In those first fresh and innocent blog posts we hopefully gave a sense of our 'mission'; to promote the music which we as individuals love, to promote new bands and musicians as part of a non-commercial culture which prizes art over commerce, and to give space on the internet to those artists with genuine merit, both old and new, who might otherwise be overlooked by more mainstream music sources. We hope that we've been succesful in meeting those ideals and we hope that, above all, each of you has been introduced to an artist somewhere along the line who has come to mean as much to you as they do to us.
Speaking for The Streetlamp team I have to say that the success of the blog has far exceeded our expectations. We entered into this venture not really expecting a huge audience for an outsider music blog with occasional diversions into left-wing

politics and classic European literature, so we've been really surprised at the depth of readership. With over 20,000 page views for our articles and over 6,000 views for one of our SadPanda videos we can declare ourselves both surprised and delighted. Every person who has read one of our blogs, watched one of our videos or given us feedback we consider to be part of The Streetlamp family. That's why, as part of our first anniversary celebration we'd like to introduce you to (drum roll); 'The First Annual Streetlamp T-Shirt Competition'.
A Streetlamp T-shirt, you say! Hmmm, how does that look? Well, take a look at the one in the picture, below, as worn by our gorgeous Streetlamp model.

That's a quality t-shirt, folks! Now just imagine, having one of your own to roll

around in on top of your own pile of pricelss art. How do you get one? Easy, to take part in the competition, here's what you have to do. Take a long hard look at the picture, above. In true Streetlamp psuedo-intellectual style we have posed our model on top of a random selection of pretentious records and books; some well-known, some obscure; which were influential on The Streetlamp teams cultural development. Your job is to see how many you can recognise. Stick your answers on an e-mail to sadpanda@hotmail.co.uk along with your name, address and t-shirt size (state if you want male or female fit). The person who recognises the greatest number of The Streetlamp's precious cultural artefacts gets a free t-shirt. Simple!
Think it looks kind of hard? Don't worry, here's a clue; the photo contains 23

books, 28 7"singles and 26 12" albums and singles. Still too hard? Ok, to make it really easy, have a look at the pic minus the model, which you can download
We look forward to hearing from you. And remember, The Streetlamp would like to continue to build on its first year, so if you're in a band, or if you make videos, or if you fancy submitting an article, get in touch.
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