Due to personal scheduling conflicts and lines constantly skipping, my review might seem badly done, so I apologize for that in advanced, but please bare with me on this.
Meanwhile, Octoro warns Dayu about hanging out with Deker while constantly annoying us, the audience with his catch-phrase "ooo-a-ooo". They notice the Sanzu is rising, and the monster, Split-face volunteers to make it go higher.
Split-face steals peoples' spirits, and splits his body apart and over-powers the rangers and steals Em's spirit. He tells the rangers that the souls will be permanently his in 24-hrs, up to which time, he'll stay in the sanzu river, where no mortal can enter.
While the victims+Emily are in a coma, Antonio tries to use the "Live" symbol to bring clawzord to life. The Sanzu rises higher, while the team tries to figure out how to get the monster to come out. Deker appears, and tells the rangers that a mortal can pass into the sanzu by becoming a Niglock, reveiling that Deker did that once, though he has no memory of it. Antonio tells the rangers to use their sybol powers on clawzord. After putting enough symbol power, the clawzord grows to full size, and Split-face is forced out into the human world. As it turns out, in the earlier battle, Antonio marked one of S-F's parts with a program symbol that not only draws him to the clawzord, but also prevents him from seperating, alowing the rangers to defeat his first life. Sadly, they can't use the megazord to fight the second life without Emily. Antonio then summons clawzord and overpowers S-F until he summons giant moogers. Antonio transforms his zord into claw battlezord east and fight some of them off. then he use west and west fan to protect himself, while the lads summon battlewing to fight off the flying moogers so that he can use south and south katanas to fight S-F and finish him with east claws.
Emily and all of the other victims revived, and celebrated her birthday (with the relief of Mia being "busy" while eating the bakery cake.while the octozord WASN'T stolen by a passerby.

For more, check out the Tengen Gate Review
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