For those who didn't see it, basically Navi told them to find a Tiger's son. So Marvelous got in a Tiger pen in the Zoo, they went to a cat mascot and Joe gets dressed in leopard-print. But Ahim and Don find Jan and Ahim wanst to train with him after loosing to the son of the villain from Geki vs. Bouken. Anyway, Don doesn't want to train, he wants to be as strong as Luka, Marvelous and Joe and finds out they have their own of training and then comes to train along with Ahim. After they practice, Jan's students tell them he was a Gekiranger and they see the GekiRed helmet over his face (he is son of a tiger as he was raised by tigers). They fight the monster, become Gekiranger and destroy him and then fight with the GokaiOh, taking GekiBeasts out.

Episode 8 Preview...

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