Monday, March 15, 2010

Sarah smile

Sarah Shahi will be back on our TVS for at least 12 episodes next season. I think we should all take a moment to acknowledge that whatever else is wrong with the world – and there is a lot beginning with and not limited to war, poverty, injustice, greed – in this one relatively insignificant area the universe actually got things very, very right. Sarah Shahi needs to be on our televisions. Now, admittedly, I didn’t watch “Life” as regularly as I probably should have (especially considering it got canceled). But I always felt better about the universe knowing, if I wanted to, I could change the channel and see her there. It’s comforting to know someone that how is only a click away (yes, yes DVDs – but new, fresh, shiny).

Sarah Shahi

At this point half of you are like, well, tell me about this new show and the other half are like, um, show don’t tell. So I’ll attempt to do both. Sarah’s USA series, “Facing Kate,” has been picked up by USA for an 11 episode order in addition to its 90-minute pilot.In the series, Sarah plays Kate Reed, “a top litigator who, frustrated with the bureaucracy and injustice she witnesses in legal system, decides to become the ultimate anti-lawyer: a mediator.” Now, regrettably, as a mediator there will be considerably less call for her to wear (or, more accurately, not wear) something like this.

Sarah Shahi

But, on the plus side, there will probably be considerably more call for her to wear something like her smart girl glasses. One door closes, another one opens.

Also, this seems like the perfect opportunity to bring some of Sarah’s more suit-inclined (suit-able? Oh, puns) co-stars in for guest appearances. Now, the obvious first choice is Kate Moennig. Looks great in a suit. Looks great with Sarah. And, what could be more appropriate? Sarah spent two seasons on “The L Word” facing Kate.

But there’s also a dark horse contender I didn’t even consider until certain photographic evidence came to light. I find it irrefutable.

Sarah Shahi

See, sometimes, just sometimes, the universe smiles down on us.

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