I know it is silly to call it a debate. I know, I know, 'it's just a show.' In Episode 18, GokaiSilver asks Captain Marvelous for a Sixth Ranger key with Kanji on it as they transformed into Shinkenger but he gave him the Kingranger key and then once Gai transformed, he realized there was a mistake, that he wanted to be Shinken Gold. Now, there is two arguments: One, in its raw Japanese states, us (including me) who don't understand Japanese thought he asked for a 'gold ranger' and this was a nod to Power Rangers Zeo where the King Ranger was called Gold Ranger.

But in reality, he asked for the one with Kanji on it and Kingranger also had Kanji. Now in the boards, fans expressed surprise that they didn't know Kingranger had Kanji on his face. The symbol stands for 'King.' Hate to boast, but I've known this since 1999 where I told my High School Civics teacher Mrs. King the Kanji for King. Now, the second debate is how did Gai didn't notice it was Kingranger when he has to press the button with the actual Ranger's face on it to transform into that one. No one knows if let's say he puts in a Gao Silver key in and he presses the Shurikenger key if he'll transform or what.

Above two screen captures are from the subtitles done by
Grownups in Spandex. redryu11 of rangerboard:
Marvelous gave Gai the Kingranger key because Gai asked for a ranger with a Kanji on his head, Makes sense. Gai was so excited to get a key and didn't actually check, Makes sense. Gai pushing the Kingranger button, doesn't make sense. I mean he's a fanboy, you'd think he would make sure he pushed the right button, Shinkengold, instead of the wrong button.
Ninja Sheikah of rangerboard:
I think Gai just got overly excited. He seen the King Ranger key and pressed the button. He probably just got caught up in the moment.

But earlier in that same episode, he went to face the Zangyack and did the henshin movement and totally forgot he didn't have his Gokai Cellular or Ranger Key. So he can be a little careless. Anyhoo, yes i know, 'it's just a show.' But it's fun to debate and watch as we love the shows so much.
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