If you didn't know, Kimberely Crossman has been rumored to be the female Red Samurai Ranger, and the rumored name is Lauren. Here is confirmation that she indeed is on the show.
Kimberely Crossman dressed as a princess on a throne, unidentified man in grey, Brittany (Emily) in blue dress, Alex (Jayden), Hector (Mike) doing headstand, Steven (Antonio) in black jacket and an unidentified woman. Yay! Hector's booty! Cool. We don't know if this is a party or an episode.

I'm guessing the unidentified people are friends. I would guess that maybe the guy in the grey dress is Kamen Rider Decade, but that's my crazy guess. One crazy guess one fan said was that maybe since Mia and Kevin aren't in the first pic, that the unidentified man and woman are the real blue and pink. Eh, I dunno.
Hector recently tweeted:
Hector recently tweeted:
HecDavidJr Hector David Jr.
Time to rock the day. More video Game Making. Wrap Party for Season 2 Power Rangers Samurai, Lets get a little pumped up for PRS Future HDJ
Related: http://henshingrid.blogspot.com/2011/05/power-rangers-samurai-spoilers-rumors.html
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