After the Post about the Power Rangers Samurai game on the iPhone, I just had to check it out on the app store. Sadly, the game was $1.99, a few cents over my balance. But on the search menu, I did find an app I could get for $0.99. There are some arguements on whether or not it is concidered a toy, but a certain celebrity (keep reading to find out who) I met last weekend called it a toy, so I might as well post up for toy week, even though I would have posted it otherwise anyway. It is a morpher app on the iPhone, where you can make a morpher from the show, or a customized one just for fun. Here are some examples from the show.....IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!
Here's how you make your custom morpher:
Next, you pick one of eighteen power coins (left-right; top-bottom): kitten photo, t-rex skull, tyranasaurus, mastadon, pteradachtyle, triceratops, saber-toothed tiger, dragon zord symbol, white tiger zord symbol, bear, falcon, frog, wolf, ape, crane, photo/cam 1, photo/cam 2, and photo/cam 3.
Then, you pick one of three morpher cases: silver, gold, and steel (I guess)
Then, you pick one of three morpher cases: silver, gold, and steel (I guess)
Final step: IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!
Here Are two I made with my photo library, and one I made with my iPhone camera:
Here Are two I made with my photo library, and one I made with my iPhone camera:
Lastly, here is a video on how it's done:
Where can i download this?