The first ever official Sixth Ranger, Dragon Ranger got 6 toys: his roleplaying items (Dino Buckler and dagger), Dragon Ceasar, his small diecast figure and a small version of Dragon Ceasar and aset. He was heavily advertised.

7 toys including the role play set below. I don't know about promotion. I know he got his own eyecatchers (commercial bumpers) for the show.
Ninjaman got 3 figures, one was a repaint, in USA, Ninjor only got one figure.

Kingranger got 6 figures for Ohranger. I think his stuff were released way after the first 5 were.

He got 4 toys, while Blue Senturion got 9. I think his stuff were released way after the first 5 were. VRV Master had no figure, only the Victrailer, if you count it.

He got 5 toys and they were released sometime after the main toys. He got less toys than Dragon Ranger did. He was the first official sixth ranger to get a vehicle.

His figure was released along with the other 5. He had 5 toys, three were BullTaurus, there were 2 small versions.

His figures were released later after the initial toys. He had 7 toys, 3 were V-Rex.

His toys were released in early summer, he had 6 toys (including GaoHunter re-paint). He's the second to have a vehicle, funny enough the first one was Silver.

He had 7 related toys (including his Karakuri balls but not including Revolver Mammoth). They were released in the summer.

AbareBlack toys were released a bit later after the first 3. AbareKiller was released in the summer and Abaremax later on. AbareKiller had 6 related figures. Abaremax was promoted like a sixth ranger. Abaremax also had 6 related figures.

Dekamaster commercial illustration from a toy catologue was revealed a few days before the show premiered. His toys were released a little bit after the first ones did. He had 6 toys released (including Doggy Kruger). He had 5 toys released and was promoted like a sixth ranger. He's the third and last Sixth ranger to have a bike.

Wolzard toy catalog stuff was revealed before the show started. Wolzard had 4 toys. Magimother had 2 (including MotherPhone). Wolzard was released at the same time as the others. MagiMother a little later. The Wolzaphone and Motherphone was release later in the fall.

MagiShine had 5 toys, released in the summer and fall.

He had 6 toys come out after the summer, Zuuban had one.

He had 2 toys (including Rin Lion and Rin Chameleon). Mele had no toy. There was a special edition Girls in Uniform Mele figure and upcoming Gasphon Mele RangerKey.

They were released around the time they were on the show. Each 3 toys.

8 toys in total, Silver just had 1 figure.

6 toys released and also the Figuart. Hime Shinken Red only has the Figurat and a Dice-O card. All the heroes above except for Ninjaman has Ranger Keys for Gokaiger.

4 toys.

He has his figure, 2 gold mode figures, robo, trident, phone, and 4 Gasphon Rangerkeys.
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