These are 'what if' situations, we do not what will happen for Power Rangers in 2012 nor 2013, we don't know if Goseiger will be adapted for 2012 or 2013.
What you rather have for 'season two' of Samurai?
Goseiger ala MMPR S2 | 66 (18%) |
Goseiger ala Zeo | 84 (23%) |
New footage ala Zyu2 | 68 (19%) |
Use movies & new scenes | 80 (22%) |
New cast/Goseiger | 236 (66%) |
Realistically, what do you think Saban will do for 'season two' of Samurai?
Goseiger ala MMPR S2 | 69 (20%) |
Goseiger ala Zeo | 56 (16%) |
New footage ala Zyu2 | 60 (17%) |
Use movies & new scenes | 67 (19%) |
New cast/Goseiger | 162 (48%) |
Choices 2, 3, and 4 | 78 (23%) |

Do you think they should use the Goseiger suits and footage for 'season 2'?
Yes | 207 (60%) |
No | 110 (32%) |
Just Zords, no suits | 48 (14%) |

Do you think realistically Saban will adapt Kamen Rider Decade?
Yes, ala KRDK | 108 (32%) |
No, not at all | 106 (32%) |
Maybe only for Samurai | 142 (42%) |
Not even for PRS | 43 (12%) |
Yes | 151 (63%) |
No | 88 (36%) |

Which Kamen Rider series would you rather Saban adapt first if they take on the franchise?
555 | 58 (26%) |
Blade | 48 (22%) |
Hibiki | 36 (16%) |
Kabuto | 66 (30%) |
Den-O | 81 (37%) |
Kiva | 60 (27%) |
Decade | 76 (34%) |
Double | 76 (34%) |
OOO | 80 (36%) |

Would you want the Gokaigers to transform into Kamen Rider OOO's forms in the Gokaiger-OOO summer movie?
Yes | 212 (65%) |
No | 55 (17%) |
Maybe | 56 (17%) |

Would you want GokaiSilver to use other keys other than the Sixth Ranger Keys?
Yes, Core Keys | 160 (48%) |
Yes, Extra Hero Keys | 257 (77%) |
No | 32 (9%) |
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