Monday, July 4, 2011

POLL RESULTS: RPM, Hyuga/Justin/Skull and henshin0's opinion

Do you concider RPM to be continuity: YES IN THE FUTURE (142 votes; 51%)

Yes in 2009 (110 votes; 39%)
Not at All (62 votes; 22%)
Yes in the Future (142 votes; 51%)

Since Teruaki Ogawa is returning as Hyuga for Gingaman Tribute, do you think he will return for Kakuranger Tribute, since he was Ninja Red: Yes (138 votes; 51%)

Yes (138 votes; 51%)
No (30 votes; 11%)
Maybe (73 votes; 27%)
Don't Know (29 votes; 10%)

Would you want Blake Foster to be Red Ranger in the future: For Goseiger Adaptation (109 votes; 39%)

For Goseiger Adaptation (109 votes; 39%)
For Gokaiger Adaptation (83 votes; 29%)
For something else (79 votes; 28%)
Not at all (88 votes; 31%)

Would you want Skull to come back to the show: Cameo in PRS (199 votes; 70%)

Cameo in PRS (199 votes; 70%)
Full time (97 votes; 34%)
As a Ranger (46 votes; 16%)

What Color Ranger would you want Skull to be if he was to be a Power Ranger: Silver (102 votes; 40%)

Red (34 votes; 13%)
Green (64 votes; 25%)
Blue (31 votes; 12%)
Black (92 votes; 36%)
Silver (102 votes; 40%)

Frankly, the latter three results were unexpected to me. No offense if my following opinions about the results are...well offensive against your votes. Well, both Skull posts are different from what I expected, although is having him appear in samurai for one or two episodes better than a whole season? But what I find interesting is how much you want Justin to be Gosei Red more than Gokai Red. Honestly, getting him to be the prior would be harder to write than the latter. But what is even more interesting, is that you want him to not appear at all, rather than be gokaired.

It just so happens that Blake, Jason and I, are working on a peliminary script to propose to saban. We are formulating it carefully to get around all the Cons of adapting the season, particularly canon and having footage with the 34 teams. It started with having Blake be the red ranger (which is the jumping off point in the brain-storm).

While trying to work on a general idea of what the main cast would be like, and thought not only should Skull come back, but also mix things up by having him be a ranger, because not only is green perfect for his character, but also Skull kinda deserved it.

We didn't have anything in mind for Cyberon (Barizorg), but after watching a parody video made by Jason Chan, I thought it would be cool if he came back, only to find that it was a perfect saban-esque idea to have cyber-cam be the adaptation for Sid (barizorg's human form). needless to say, he accepted.

What however was in our original brainstorm, is have an actor/actress of an old-school villain to come back as a new villain. It was obvious we were all thinking of Goodson as Insarn. After some time waiting for an answer, we are proud to say that as of thursday, we got our actress for Insarn.
We are still in a "fan-fic" phase, but are actually making some progress, and are confident it would pull through. I thank you for your moral support, but please don't send tag requests on face book, because we are not look for audition canditates until after the proposal.

lastly, in case if there's no free wifi in Israel, I would like to give props to Lavender Ranger for the awesome patriotic banner....

...and to the readers, have a morphin' aquatian summer vacation!

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